Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Particle Physics

    This week I read Particle Physics by Tom Whynite and Oliver Puch. This book was done by the same publisher and company as Quantum Theory, a graphic guide. If you didn't see that blog (my first blog) be sure to check that out.

    This book basically explains the basics of particle physics in a really awesome way. Its pictures on almost every page, but there is also a heck of a lot of information. If you know nothing about these two concepts you should still read these books because you will feel smarter.

    No mature warnings.

The next books I want to read are:
1 .Outliers
2. Legend
3. Looking for Alaska


  1. Sounds cool. Are you mainly going to read non-fiction this year?

  2. It sounds like a cool book. I'll be sure to look at it and add it to my TBR!
